Sunday, September 21, 2008

But I don't want it to be the Fool!!!

Jack and I had a conversation before the wedding about the Live Ship Traders about who Amber might be and really, he knew and I didn't want him to tell me, and I was fighting what he made me think. Well, I just finished the book Mad Ship and I don't want Amber to be the Fool from the Farseer trilogy, but I am afraid that I have to give it up and allow it to happen because no other character is more driven by fate.

So now that I'm done whining, I get to tell you all why I am soooooooo happy! I asked one of my friends if he would go to homecoming with me and he said yes!!! The reason that I asked him is because I am running for Homecoming Queen and need a date. I won't know whether or not I will even be on Court until sometime after the third of October which is the week before Homecoming. So I am not sure if Court is wearing formal clothes and everyone else whatever they went to the game in or what the deal is. So I ordered a dress online that is really pretty.
Mom said that many people are asking what made me want to run for homecoming queen. One day, I was thinking, what would make my senior memorable to me? The answer came to me almost immediately... Get on Court. So I am participating in a very prominent popularity contest (and I don't expect to win).
Last month was Tamara and Jack's wedding and it was absolutely beautiful, and I am so happy to be able to claim Jack as my brother-in-law. Hey Jack, I'm assuming that you gave Tamara your wedding present to her, I love the story behind it. Last month we also moved back into our house.Yesterday we spent most of the day either in the garage or running in and out of the garage with more stuff, emptying out box after box. Brent and Dad went over to drop off a van full to DI. We can now walk, easily, from the front of the garage to the back.
I hope that everyone has a great week. I love all the people that I am aware are reading this and probably some of thoes that I don't know are reading this. Talk to you all later,


Jocelyn Robertson said...

Thanks for the update on your life! Good luck with running for homecoming court!!! Running for court, whether you make it or not, will be a memorable experience and a fun story to tell.

What was Jack's wedding present? I don't think I've heard the story.

CtrlAltJack said...

I gave Tamara a coin. She liked it.

Tamara Robertson Turner said...

I think Jocelyn would like to know why that was any big deal.

jared and mary 2 said...

Why wouldn't you run for court? Kind of funny for people to ask why you would. Enjoy the ride, it should be a fun experience.

CtrlAltJack said...

I explained about coins in my most recent post on my own blog.

Joanne said...

Chelsea, you will look beautiful in that dress! Congratulations on having the courage to do something you wanted to do and making your senior year a memorable one! Heather B. thinks that you will obviously make the court and will be a great example to the other girls. She is excited for you!! Can't wait to see how it all unfolds!

Jocelyn Robertson said...

Are you a clock collector?